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My Favourite Album - Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, Trupa Trupa

Posted on Thursday 29th July 2021 at 15:00

Jimi Arundell

Written by
Jimi Arundell


Speaking to those with excellent taste, My Favourite Album connects with musicians around the globe to ask about the records that inspire them. We are very pleased to talk to Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, leader of experimental rockers Trupa Trupa.

Evocative and innovative, Polish quartet Trupa Trupa carve out their own unique sound which melds psychedelic art rock sensibilities with a sharp post punk edge which they use to dramatically re-interpret traditional folk sounds. The Gdańsk based band includes Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, Tomek Pawluczuk, Wojtek Juchniewicz and Rafal Wojczal who leapt to the fore a decade ago with their stunning yet simply titled early releases EP and LP.

The ensuing years have seen the band rise and exceed cult status becoming a big name on the European festival circuit and beyond, playing formidable performances at SWSX, Primavera, OFF Festival, Rockaway Beach and more. They have charmed an adoring music press thanks to their remarkable output which includes album titles ++, Headache and Jolly New Songs. By the time they dropped latest LP Of the Sun, they had signed to esteemed indie label Sub Pop.

Trupa Trupa have just released a new video for their stirring single “Fitzcarraldo” which features on the I’ll Find EP. They are currently working on a new album which fans can expect to be released on 11th of February and will be promoted by extensive touring in 2022.



What Is It?


I See A Darkness by Bonnie Prince Billy


When Was It Released?


January 19, 1999 - Released on Palace Records


Where Did You First Hear It?





What Does It Mean To You?


For me, it is a very simple, deep and strong musical tale about the dark side of reality, and maybe just about reality itself. This album is a collection of nihilistic songs, very gloomy but in the same time very positive and spiritually stimulating. It is such an entry into the darkness that finally makes you feel close and maybe even in some bizarre way friendly to the world. Genial simplicity of this record leads me to think of the best achievements of classical music such as Franz Schubert's "Wintereise”. Bonnie Prince Billy is for me also kind of a new bard. Someone like Cohen and Dylan but from our times - times of decay and isolation.



Talk Us Through Your Favourite Songs And Lyrics On The Album


"Death to Everyone” is for me an ideal example and representation of all lyrics on this great album. This is in same time pesimistic and full of darkness but also i can feel there state of acceptatioon or even optimism. There is in it a recognition of the end which will come to everyone of us, but there is no melodramatism, kitsch and horror in it. It's a bit like "All things must pass” by Harrison or The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer. I can also feel there spirit of poetry of Eliot and Larkin.


Anything Else You Want To Add?


Until some time later, I realised that members of Slint band were friends with Bonnie. And also there was connection with Harmony Korine. One of Bonnie's videos was directed by Harmony Korine – great great video to song "No More Workhorse Blues”. Both Slint and Korine and Bonnie are for me to recognize a certain barren land in which we live. And all of them form it in a very similar way. They are not stayin away from reality and darkness, but that doesn't make their art tearful and melodramatic. This dark journey strengthens spiritually and makes me feel less lonely and watch myself in more conscious way. Because of them I carefully observe and note. Without cheap moralizing and preaching. Above all that i wrote this is just great art. Pure masterpiece. So I am sure it can mean a lot of different things for many different people.


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