Hailing from Nottingham, Divorce brings an electrifying blend of indie and alt-country to the UK music scene, captivating fans with their raw, emotional performances.
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About Divorce
Hailing from Nottingham, Divorce brings an electrifying blend of indie and alt-country to the UK music scene, captivating fans with their raw, emotional performances. Known for tracks like “Pretty” and “Services,” Divorce crafts songs that delve into themes of personal identity and resilience, often delivered with a punchy, rebellious edge.
Their live shows have earned them a devoted following, showcasing their dynamic stage presence and chemistry. Recently, Divorce supported the band Everything Everything on tour, introducing their sound to a wider audience and gaining momentum as one of the UK’s most promising up-and-coming acts. With a strong DIY ethos and a fierce commitment to authenticity, Divorce is quickly carving out a unique space in the UK indie-punk landscape.
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